Friday, August 2, 2013

Ship of Theseus - Go Experience it!

An amazingly honest and an unsettling film, that made me think of some mundane things I need to correct in my life. I may or may not do anything about them, but yes I thought about them. At the same time, it is a highly accessible and a simple film, despite being deeply philosophical. Now for how many films one can use such adjectives in one breath 

Therein lies the strength of Anand Gandhi's writing and direction. It requires so much conviction and clarity to put one's inner most thoughts and beliefs into a film. Hats off to him.

The Theseus' paradox unfolds in front of your eyes both physically and metaphorically, through three incredible stories that come together at the end.

The first one about this girl Aaliya played by Aida El-Kashef makes such a strong statement. Impairment doesn't necessarily means inability. The second one is about a rational monk, whose beliefs and convictions are tested to the hilt. His choice of path at the end was little confounding for me, but this story had such sharp dialogues that you will relish them for a long time. Third story, in which Sohum Shah plays Navin, a stock-broker, is marked by excellent humour and shows how simple people have power to bring about a change.

The film is visually stunning and presents the city Mumbai in various hues. Mumbai looks so different in each story. This shows cinematographer's attention to detail. Right from high-rises to claustrophobic slums to few green patches in monsoon, each story owns a landscape. Again a victory for this film.

The film ends with a cave exploration, hinting, that behind every common face you see on streets there is so much to be unraveled. Go experience it!

Copyright® CINEMAnia

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